Kombinasi Algoritma Priority Scheduling dan Earliest Due Date untuk Sistem Penjadwalan Slitting Produk Berbasis Web


Muhammad Iqbal Afrianto
Fauziah Fauziah
Yunan Fauzi Wijaya


Production scheduling is one of the most critical components of production management that can impact efficiency and resource utilization. This research focuses on the development of a web-based production scheduling system that integrates two algorithms, Earliest Due Date (EDD) and Priority Scheduling. This research includes the analysis, design, implementation and testing of a those two algorithms in a web-based application for production management. The result of this research will be analyzed through the results of how both algorithms affects lateness and tardiness. The research findings indicate that the application can effectively manage Work Orders. The application can generate an optimal schedule when conditions arise where some tasks have higher priority than others by combining both algorithms. The system can identify potentially late tasks by calculating the tardiness of the given jobs. And from the analysis results, the application can generate an efficient production schedule with an on-time accuracy rate of 74%, and the average delay for each job is 0.95 hours.


How to Cite
Afrianto, M. I. ., Fauziah, F., & Wijaya, Y. F. . (2024). Kombinasi Algoritma Priority Scheduling dan Earliest Due Date untuk Sistem Penjadwalan Slitting Produk Berbasis Web. TEKNOKOM, 7(1), 180–186. https://doi.org/10.31943/teknokom.v7i1.176


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